Please if any Tech type peeps can help as just getting grey nothingness on new chatroom. Yes my brain is slightly od'D by 10eps of Battlestar in less than a week.
But even I realise this aint right. Do I need to download something?
All help greatly appreciated
Thankyou Huggles SS/ Elears/ who's gone a tad Starbuck
You need to have the java runtime environment installed. If you go here and click download now, you should be taken to page with the right version for your PC.
Chambler A computer without Microsoft is like a chocolate cake without mustard.
It could also be that your browser is blocking the applet for some reason (paranoid virusscanner / firewall) or Java is disabled in your browser. Trying a different browser (like for example firefox or switching the paranoid software off could help troubleshoot this problem.