These are the new rules for debate threads agreed by the T21 staff. I was given a whisky-chloroform cocktail while they were worked out, so they should be fair.
We recognize debate threads are a different style of discussion. They will be marked so members can decide if they want to be involved, and staff will ensure a fair balance between all types of thread in General Chat
These threads will carry a warning making it clear they may contain analysis, and possible criticism, of opinions
Staff posting threads will refrain from stating their opinion in the initial post so members can begin the discussion
Staff will endeavour to make only short and to the point posts, and would appreciate members following suit
Threads should stay on topic: site issues should be discussed in Feedback, and member-specific complaints should be made by email to staff
Posts should always be polite and comment on opinions not the person posting them
Members should accept that people's choice of discussions vary, and should not post on threads just to air how boring/not to their taste it is
I hereby call this House to order, and ask the right dishonourable members to excuse me while I go and satisfy my new laudanum craving.
thelostsailor If I didn't break it then you would have nothing to do!
I disagree with these rules
Chambler A computer without Microsoft is like a chocolate cake without mustard.
Uhmmm fun lets debate the debate rules
Alan Got a message from the Great Lakes Avengers, They offered me a membership but didn't accept... they're a walking disaster... Just don't make sense at all... the worst heroes of all time, To call thems
Can't we just debate the need for a debate about the debate rules?
Chambler A computer without Microsoft is like a chocolate cake without mustard.
I guess Alan is right and we should do that first Jeez at this rate we'll would indeed have more debate threads than other content