LMAO.. I could be up for this. Depends on dates of course.
March 21st Good Friday night meet up (aka Yoshi's Stag Do)?
Would anyone be up for a bit of a session in London on a Friday night coming up? Just an idea at the moment, and if theres enough interest i'll put up an official date on here and facebook too.
Basically any Friday in March coming up if anyones up for it, although I know Easter Friday is coming up so maybe not then. But I have pretty much every Friday off work now until April, and it'd be nice to have a piss up on a Friday evening for a change so theres all weekend to recover.
Also anyone who may be up for it theres a couple of cool places that look good. 'Strawberry Moons' is great if you like cheese and dressing up and just having a fun time, check it out here www.strawberrymoonsbar.co.uk/
However I've also just stumbled across a bar called 'Punk' which I'd never heard of before, although it used to be 'Pop' which I had heard of. Basically 'Punk' is like Wonderland, theres a giant Panda who greets you when you walk in, sexy barmaids dressed up as slaves, and lots of celebs go there. It looks really cool, especially the decor. Check it out here www.viewlondon.co.uk/restaurants/punk-review-18521.html
Also if anyone has any other suggestions please list them.
Oh, and the reason I've put in brackets 'Yoshi's Stag Do' is because I've never been on a proper stag do! So I thought what the heck lets make it a stag do (with women as well as men welcome of course) for a giant soft cuddly toy Yoshi who will join us on the night.
(Edited by SPIKE 06/03/2008 15:08)
Basically any Friday in March coming up if anyones up for it, although I know Easter Friday is coming up so maybe not then. But I have pretty much every Friday off work now until April, and it'd be nice to have a piss up on a Friday evening for a change so theres all weekend to recover.
Also anyone who may be up for it theres a couple of cool places that look good. 'Strawberry Moons' is great if you like cheese and dressing up and just having a fun time, check it out here www.strawberrymoonsbar.co.uk/
However I've also just stumbled across a bar called 'Punk' which I'd never heard of before, although it used to be 'Pop' which I had heard of. Basically 'Punk' is like Wonderland, theres a giant Panda who greets you when you walk in, sexy barmaids dressed up as slaves, and lots of celebs go there. It looks really cool, especially the decor. Check it out here www.viewlondon.co.uk/restaurants/punk-review-18521.html
Also if anyone has any other suggestions please list them.
Oh, and the reason I've put in brackets 'Yoshi's Stag Do' is because I've never been on a proper stag do! So I thought what the heck lets make it a stag do (with women as well as men welcome of course) for a giant soft cuddly toy Yoshi who will join us on the night.
(Edited by SPIKE 06/03/2008 15:08)
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Hmm.. the only Friday I could realistically do would be Good Friday as i'm going to be in London that night anyway... will have to think about it more closely.