I had a sneaky way around that. I had to do prefect duty each lunch time so i always volentered to man the homework room so by the time evening came i only had about 1/2 an hour left to do
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I'm fed up with school! I have so much homework tonight.
You want strict? Try every home work book being checked in and the page checked to make sure you had actually done it. If you hadnt (scary flashabck)
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I know I know, this sounds easy but my school is so strict on homework.
Been there. Plus we lived in the middle of no where so i was pretty isolated. Least you have the internet these days.
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I feel so envious of you guys, you all get to go places and meet. I can't coz I'm 'too young' and my mum's too strict.
One day you'll have a wage and a car and you'll be able to go where ever you want. You have no idea how fast time goes! ( i still cant believe i'm nearly 25, last time i looked i was 22, who stole my years )