It's Eugene, I think

Wouldn't it be a better idea just to email him, or catch him on MSN to ask him this??
by lizzieslayer
Right I just wanted to ask (dunno if this is the right forum) but whats your real name... Now I know many people on here know it & I know u won't tell me. I need to know it!!! Especially as my Matt guy treats me like poo, coz I need to know ur name if your gonna beat him up.
by Lioness
I think you missed a letter there Teresa. It should have an extra a between the i and the n.
Nooo! now everyone knows my real name
by Teresa
I'm drunk and I will divulge. His name is Martin.
Hey Tony, watch the swearing mate .. if I catch you using my name in vain again I'll *have to think of something really witty to insert here*
by Anthony Morel
I thought he said at weekends it was Samantha ?
i'm at bad girls this weeknd if you're there
by angelica
I think I'm looking forward to meeting *insert name of choice*. It's all very intriguing.
I could be wrong, but didn't you have some trading cards from me once? If so I know your full name
(quotes)Anyway how do any of you know my name for sure?
so you'd think i was martin, and peg, nope never had cards from you.
by head2head
If you name wasn't Martin and you had been lying to people, then why did you get so upset when T said that that was your name ????