What is most likely is that there will be a base unit of some sort that sends out the main signal that plugs into your phone socket wherever it is. Then depending on how many handsets you buy (Each handset will come with a 'mini'-base type thingy) Some models allow for something like 4 handsets to be routed off the main base.
If you do get a cordless phone make sure that you get a proper DECT phone (aka a digital one) as the old style cheapo analogue ones have a tosh signal and you'll be cursing yourself when your on a marathon chinwag to olds/other half/customer service gits/yadda yadda yadda (Delete as appropriate)
Hope that help...kinda
(Edited by Ethan 20/11/2002 20:34)
If you do get a cordless phone make sure that you get a proper DECT phone (aka a digital one) as the old style cheapo analogue ones have a tosh signal and you'll be cursing yourself when your on a marathon chinwag to olds/other half/customer service gits/yadda yadda yadda (Delete as appropriate)
Hope that help...kinda
(Edited by Ethan 20/11/2002 20:34)