I saw this on another board and thought we could have some fun with it here....pretty self explanatory really...say something nice about the last person to post.
So away we go..who's gonna say nice things about me
167 Replies and 32515 Views in Total. [ 12345»...9 ]
Sydney You can lead the whore to culture but you can't make her think!
Milky is... a good shoulder to cry on
Great idea btw!!
(Edited by Sydney 15/01/2003 14:56)
Teresa "So I can come inside of your kiss and just leave you on your knees"
Sydney is great fun on a night out
Whistler"I wonder wonder why the wonder falls. I wonder why the wonder falls on me. I wonder wonder why the wonder falls, with everything I touch and hear and see."
Whistler"I wonder wonder why the wonder falls. I wonder why the wonder falls on me. I wonder wonder why the wonder falls, with everything I touch and hear and see."
misskitty has a lovely smile. And she likes cats too!
Yvonne I was nothing more than an almost innocent bystander.
Whistler is a funny MSN drunk
SamphiretteTo you I guess I'm just a clown who picks you up each time you're down