The above images are high-resolution (720p) shots from Resident Evil 5, which is in development for next-generation platforms Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
Looks like a cracker, doesn't it? I finished Resident Evil 4 not long after it was released and loved it, so i'm looking forward to 5 a lot.
Anybody else a fan of the RE series? I briefly played, but never finished, Code Veronica on the Dreamcast and until I played 4, that was it. Didn't like the way the game played really, the control system and camera didn't suit me at all. 4 changed all that though, and with the new control system, amazing graphics and a great story it was perhaps one of the best games on the Gamecube.
According to the developer in charge of 5, it will be set in a very hot place, and the heat will factor into gameplay, with your character (looks like Chris) having to seek cover to cool down, or face the consequences. He's also been inspired by the mobbing scenes in Black Hawk Down, and that will factor into the game.
Alan Got a message from the Great Lakes Avengers, They offered me a membership but didn't accept... they're a walking disaster... Just don't make sense at all... the worst heroes of all time, To call thems