We have our vodka and we have our housemate opinions (mostly already formed, lol).
It might be a school night, but we're still gonna do it in true BB opening night style and comment drunkenly on the evening proceedings. It's fair to assume that we'll get more and more incoherent as the night draws on...
Please feel free to join in, but the BB haters can stay in the "bother" thread
PS. Y's money is on Housemates 5 and 11, T is betting on 3 and 7.
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Sydney You can lead the whore to culture but you can't make her think!
I'll have 4 & 8
Yvonne I was nothing more than an almost innocent bystander.
Bonnie: Y says why doesn't her face colour match her neck. T says She's ok
Yvonne I was nothing more than an almost innocent bystander.
"Hi, I'm Bonnie and I'm <insert lots of phrases that will get me into the house>"
Strangely, not so loud now she's in....
Yvonne I was nothing more than an almost innocent bystander.
Pete: T says my favourite. I love Tourettes!!! Y says she'll feel strongly about him but isn't sure whether it's a love or hate thing... oh, and Tourettes is ******* **** ***** ******* *grrrrrr*