The usual: establishing a good line of sight to pick off the pikey "trick or treaters" before they reach my door.
Halloween ideas!
What is everyone doing for Halloween, or Samhain? I love All Hallows Eve and as I have just located down to London for uni I'd really like to do something fun, scary and interesting. Anyone have any ideas what I can do in the Capital? Bear in mind I'll probably be on my own as most of my flat mates don't like Halloween

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Me, Alex, and about 4 hundred other million people we know will all be at the Lordi gig at the Kentish Town Forum
My kids love dressing up and going out on Halloween but we're not pikeys. We have a lot of Americans round us 'cos of the airbases so loads of people get into it and there's a good sense of community. We can usually pick out the miserable bastards so don't bother knocking at their door.
by Byron
The usual: establishing a good line of sight to pick off the pikey "trick or treaters" before they reach my door.
When I took some friends' kids trick or treating you do learn which houses to avoid, the elderly, the unfriendly etc. Even at my age, I was quite excited by it all
by Teresa
My kids love dressing up and going out on Halloween but we're not pikeys. We have a lot of Americans round us 'cos of the airbases so loads of people get into it and there's a good sense of community. We can usually pick out the miserable bastards so don't bother knocking at their door.

Well as Katie said, we'll be spending Halloween in the company of the lovely Lordi! Which I think is about as fitting a way to spend it as any! 
Oh, and yesterday I carved my first ever pumpkin!! It was so much fun!!

Oh, and yesterday I carved my first ever pumpkin!! It was so much fun!!