New treatment for hospital bacteria.... Poo-injections?
All over the world the Dutch are known as a wacky folk with their stands on abortion, drugs, gay marriage etc etc and just when people get used to these "strange things" they come up with something new.... poo-injections!
The Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam has started treating people who suffer from a Clostridium difficile infection (the most important cause of hospital-acquired diarrhoea) with injections of poo of healthy relatives. Although it sounds really icky it does seem to work as with 3 out of 4 patients one injection of poo was enough to cure them within 4 days and the remaining patient was cured after another injection.
And yes they don't inject the poo in your veins but into your colon It's a bit weird but if this is further investigated in further studies it could mean that a large number of people who suffer from such infections in which the antibiotics don't work don't have to be treated completely isolated for works on end.
It actually works really well. It's basically an enema, but instead of having a wash out with water, they use a faecal emulsion. It doesn't have to be from your family either, it's probably just more acceptable that it is, lol!
What it does is repopulate the bowel with the normal "good" bacteria which get killed off with normal antibiotic use, effectively knocking out the C. dif (the "bad" bacteria), hence curing the diarrhoea. It's not really done here much and I've been told it's because of ethical reasons, which is a shame, as it would drstically reduce the cost of health care of these patients as they wouldn't need these super strong expensive antibitics to get it out of their systems, and I imagine it would get them better a lot faster.
Enama's are done all the time in hospital for various reasons, so it wouldn't be that much of an issue to introduce them in that sense, just convincing people that poo is the way to go