Magenta has to be Ana Matronic from the Scissor Sisters
Fantasy Rocky Horror
OK, so this came out of a discussion between me and Flowers at a gig last week. Struck by how fantastic it would be to see Thom Yorke with a feather boa and high kicking, we stumbled across the concept of Fantasy Rocky Horror - if you could have anyone, at any time, who would you have, and what role would you give them?
So, we liked the idea of Thom as Riff Raff. Maybe Brandon Flowers as Frank-n-Furter? I mean, it would force him to shave that nasty little 'tash of his off. Lily Allen as Columbia? Tom Baker as The Criminologist? There was a number of names that came up, but here's the list I liked the best:
Frank-n-Furter: Brandon Flowers
Janet Weiss: Kylie
Riff Raff: Thom Yorke
Magenta: Kate Jackson (Long Blondes Singer - yeah, that was my one...)
Columbia: Lily Allen
Dr Scott: Alice Cooper
Rocky: Robbie Williams
Eddie: Jack Black
The Criminologist: Tom Baker
OK, Magenta is a tough one, definitely struggled to think of anyone current and mega famous. But the real toughie, that distracted us both for most of the evening, and noticable from the ommision above, is The Brad Question. Because, truth is, only one man has all it takes to be Brad, and that's Barry Bostwick. Everyone else is just a pale immitation. The best we came up with?
Brad Majors: Nick Brendon
So come on then, can you do better? Can you solve The Brad Question? Who is in your Fantasy Rocky Horror? Inquisitive minds need to know...
So, we liked the idea of Thom as Riff Raff. Maybe Brandon Flowers as Frank-n-Furter? I mean, it would force him to shave that nasty little 'tash of his off. Lily Allen as Columbia? Tom Baker as The Criminologist? There was a number of names that came up, but here's the list I liked the best:
Frank-n-Furter: Brandon Flowers
Janet Weiss: Kylie
Riff Raff: Thom Yorke
Magenta: Kate Jackson (Long Blondes Singer - yeah, that was my one...)
Columbia: Lily Allen
Dr Scott: Alice Cooper
Rocky: Robbie Williams
Eddie: Jack Black
The Criminologist: Tom Baker
OK, Magenta is a tough one, definitely struggled to think of anyone current and mega famous. But the real toughie, that distracted us both for most of the evening, and noticable from the ommision above, is The Brad Question. Because, truth is, only one man has all it takes to be Brad, and that's Barry Bostwick. Everyone else is just a pale immitation. The best we came up with?
Brad Majors: Nick Brendon
So come on then, can you do better? Can you solve The Brad Question? Who is in your Fantasy Rocky Horror? Inquisitive minds need to know...

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Yup, definitely a good call on Ana Matronic. Little jealous/embarressed I didn't think of that myself...
So, anyone got a better Brad? Think Brandon should keep the 'tash and get someone else to be a sweet transvestite?

So, anyone got a better Brad? Think Brandon should keep the 'tash and get someone else to be a sweet transvestite?