My brother in law has just arrived from australia and is a mad arsenal fan, i have my tickets for saturdays game against spurs but unforunately both are taken, i was wondering and i know its a long shot if anyone on this site has or knows someone who has a spare ticket in the arsenal end for saturdays game against spurs, i know this is touting in a way and for that i apologise but i really did not expect him and i cant go to the game and leave him at my house to watch it on telly ( no smart remarks like dont go then please) please can somebody please help it would make his holiday here complete
reasonable prices met
thanks alot
2 Replies and 2364 Views in Total.
Dangermouse One more word from you , and i'll bitch slap you so hard, your children will be born well-behaved.
Well, you have to be mad to support Arsenal Hope you enjoyed the game
lizzieslayer Look for the girl with the broken smile.
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
Sorry nope, we have our tickets and are not selling. I don't even get to go