Chambler you cheeky mare - who put that last entry on there !
The T-Party 07 Charity Money Should Go To....
Bliss (0%)
Cancer Research UK (43%)
Macmillans (0%)
Parkinson's Disease Society (9%)
Scope (13%)
Smaritians (9%)
Terrance Higgins Trust (4%)
Tommys (17%)
Samantha's life emergency fund (4%)
7 Posts and 9537 Views in Total.

i would have suggested the madBloke beer fund - except i rarely drink these days...
And the winner is....... sorry Sam it ain't you. Cancer research UK. Whenever our financial guy gets back online we'll make sure the money gets transfered. Wo you better get that computer fixed or we'll have a mob on our hands 
I would have to check to be 100% sure but as far as I can recall we raised £95 for charity (40% of the T-Party profits). The remaining 60% will be used to cover the main part of the server hire.
Thanks again to everyone who helped make this possible
(Edited by Chambler 18/07/2007 12:31)
(Edited by Chambler 18/07/2007 12:31)

I would have to check to be 100% sure but as far as I can recall we raised £95 for charity (40% of the T-Party profits). The remaining 60% will be used to cover the main part of the server hire.
Thanks again to everyone who helped make this possible

(Edited by Chambler 18/07/2007 12:31)
(Edited by Chambler 18/07/2007 12:31)
Either someone loves me, or feels sorry for me
by Chambler
Mightt be cheeky but someone did vote on it