On forms I always write myself down as being British, but i'd have no problem putting myself down as European or just 'human'.
Technically, I'm all English. Parents, Grandparents and great Grandparents. There's a family tree on my Mum's side, but i've never read it
AFAIK they're all English. On my Dad's side, they're definitely all english. As recently as my Great-grandad, they were blacksmiths, and common as muck (hey, i desverve the Smith surname, even if i do want rid of it lol).
So yeah, all english, but it doesn't mean a jot to me and because of that I find it hard to answer your original question. I guess it just gives people links to their history, makes them feel more secure in who they are.
There have been a lot of TV shows recently (because of the anniversary of the abolishment of slavery) about black people researching their ancestry and visiting their ancestral nations, and many 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation British Asians cling to their Asian identity. But there are many who don't, and see themselves as being solely English, or British. Or Welsh, poor sods.
National identity/sovereignty is a blight in my eyes, people cling to their 'national' identity far too hard. Bring on the United States of Europe
Or make the UK the next US state
Or make the UN an elected global government... that'd be good 
(Edited by Maffrew 17/08/2007 09:32)
Technically, I'm all English. Parents, Grandparents and great Grandparents. There's a family tree on my Mum's side, but i've never read it

So yeah, all english, but it doesn't mean a jot to me and because of that I find it hard to answer your original question. I guess it just gives people links to their history, makes them feel more secure in who they are.
There have been a lot of TV shows recently (because of the anniversary of the abolishment of slavery) about black people researching their ancestry and visiting their ancestral nations, and many 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation British Asians cling to their Asian identity. But there are many who don't, and see themselves as being solely English, or British. Or Welsh, poor sods.
National identity/sovereignty is a blight in my eyes, people cling to their 'national' identity far too hard. Bring on the United States of Europe

(Edited by Maffrew 17/08/2007 09:32)