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Computer Problems
I've been having a problem with my laptop over the past couple of weeks.
It usually starts with the computer crashing (screen goes black - lights stay on and fans keep going). I switch it off and then when I try to restart it does one of three things:
- It restarts normally, after which it may or may not crash again
- It goes through check disk, deletes a few random entries then restarts
- The lights come on, the DVD drive makes a noise, the fan comes on for a couple of seconds, then the whole things gives up and tries again. After a few goes though it will usually start up.
I've since formatted the hard drive and done a system restore but it hasn't solved the problem. Does anyone know what the problem might be? It's an HP dv6000.
It usually starts with the computer crashing (screen goes black - lights stay on and fans keep going). I switch it off and then when I try to restart it does one of three things:
- It restarts normally, after which it may or may not crash again
- It goes through check disk, deletes a few random entries then restarts
- The lights come on, the DVD drive makes a noise, the fan comes on for a couple of seconds, then the whole things gives up and tries again. After a few goes though it will usually start up.
I've since formatted the hard drive and done a system restore but it hasn't solved the problem. Does anyone know what the problem might be? It's an HP dv6000.
12 Replies and 5612 Views in Total.
They asked me about that. They're gonna take it in for a service
by KaTiEStar
Myabe its over heating and your fans abit buggered.

If you google for the issue it seems there are a couple of people having the same / similar problems. Most likely it is indeed overheating as Katiestar suggested. The fact your fans kick in so hard could indicate there is indeed a heat issue which your cooling system doesn't handle properly in "smartfan" mode. At the moment the computer crashes smartfan is disabled and the fans come back on at full blast.
by DJ Billy
They asked me about that. They're gonna take it in for a service
They are nice looking laptops btw

when it works...
by DJ Billy
Yeah, it's pretty funky