Seeing as you don't actually have the other persons details I would suggest that you report the incident to the police. Although it's not required to notify the police of a prang and both parties are forthcoming with their details, it can be helpful later (if there are any issues with insurance claims etc) that you did notify the police and had a report made up.
Quick question re car insurance
Long story short, had a prang this morning (See my live journal if you really want the long story). Gave my details to other woman (forgot to get her details as I was in shock/panicking) then went home.
Do I need to inform the police? Highway code seems to suggest I need to tell the police if I didn't give my details at the scene but not if it needs to be reported anyway.
I would ask my insurance company but I'm still waiting for the callback from them
Do I need to inform the police? Highway code seems to suggest I need to tell the police if I didn't give my details at the scene but not if it needs to be reported anyway.
I would ask my insurance company but I'm still waiting for the callback from them

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