think ill deal with this one first, as its a bit... bizarre...
by Sandia
He's hardly had time to move his belongings into the PM's residence.
the official PM's residence is at No 10 Downing Street - the chancellor lives at No 11.
however, when tony was in office, gordon was the chancellor - but No 10 wasnt designed for a family, most of the space inside was taken up with function rooms and offices rather than residential space.
No 11, on the other hand, was mostly residential space and offices - so they swapped, seeing as tony had 3 kids, and gordon, at the time, had none.gordon has, therefore, technically had plenty of time in the PMs residence.
as for the rest, its because certain thyings have been going on that the public has, so far, been seemingly willing to overlook, but things are coming to a head.
when the last conservative government was voted out of office, the incoming labour government was basically elected on an "anti-sleaze" basis - certain members of the conservative government had been abusing power, the labour party declared they would rid politics of all forms of corruption.
that lasted precisely as long as it took them to change the letterheads on all the stationary - thisa is pretty much the most corrupt government the UK has ever seen.
at least the tories were fairly open about anything - these guys have their snouts in the trough, but they automatically declare their innocence when found out, somehow they always manage to find a scapegoat.
the current donations row isnt even the first time this has happened since '97 - there was a massive row several years ago when tony and co threatened to bring in a ban on advertising cigarettes @ sporting events - one sporting body donated a large sum of money (think it was £1 million) to the labour party, the ban was rescinded - and then the donation was declared illeagal, people lost their jobs over it, the money was returned - and the ban didnt go into place til much later.
the current problems with shed loads of private data on millions of people being lost in transit - a certain person on here could tell you more about what led up to this, all ill say is that if they cant securely deal with our confidential information (incidentally, the way the data was formatted meant it was being transferred illeagally, even if it didnt go missing!), then how are they going to be able to secure our data if they introduce identity cards?
immigration is out of control - no-one knows how many people are in the country illeagally, and no-one in government seems to care - and if any one dares to ask the question, they are accused of being racist.
related to this - the f***wits in power claim that immigration is good for britain - people coming in to the country are taking on jobs that no-one else wants.
but how can this be good, when we have an entire underclass who have never had a ajob, whose parents have never had a job, and whose entire way of living is to sponge off those who actually go out to work and pay taxes?
the labour party used to represent the working classes, now they seem to represent the idol classes and the chattering classes - the mugs who go out to work are getting screwed left right and center, while those who are on massive salaries are using the system to get away with paying bugger all, and those who have decided not to work are getting everything handed to them on a plate.
add in road charging, the automatic fuel escalator, the erosion of family values, the state of the NHS and the armed forces, the education system, iraq and afghanistan, political correctness gone mad, and a million and one other things, and its not surprising that the people in this country are unhappy with gordon and his mates.
**and breathe**
oh yeah - should i mention the east lothian question, and the fact that the PM, not to mention a load of his ministers, are actually scottish and therefore shouldnt actually be making some of the decisions they are making?