funnily enough, ive just had this happen to me - some pages/sites were loading fine, and some downloads were working while others werent - my usual cure for this is to do a hard reboot on my router...
The reason loading pages is slower has to do with the fact that when you type in a request for a website your computer will ask the DNS server to check it's list (no they don't check twice that's just Santa, although some ISPs do use the police filters to ensure the page you are loaded aren't naughty but nice
I am around today as due to the DNS issue that we have had for the last 3 nights.
It has come to my attention that these "outages" (which are not real outages) has been casued by a number of Be members who have been sending thousands of DNS requests per second. This in turn resulted in our DNS servers RAM to be used fully and did not allowing other members to use our service, this resulted in what looked like outage to alot of members and also slow repsonse times for others.
I now have the list of those members and have started to remove their service under the FUP.
Let me stress that I have never had to use the FUP before and the only reason I am using it now is that this handfull of members have affected 100's of members with Be and 02.
We have a team right now who are still working on the issue to make sure it can not happen again. We have reduced the allowed DNS requests per second from 10000 to 25 (we have dropped it stage by stage with no side affect e.g. 5000, 1000, 500, etc) Our team will be working on this until we have a stable DNS services again (which should be today)
Once we are stable a team of bright thinkers from both BE and 02 will look at our servers to see what we can do to improve the servers for both brands.
I will keep you posted on this issue over the next 48hours,
Kind regards,
Brett Coles
Head of Member Services