Have you got the reciept? I'm guessing that if you took it to a local shop with a copy of the reciept and explained what happened they'd happily remove it for you.
Help needed - not techie (well, not exactly) for once!!
While I was in Disneyland over the weekend, Brett bought me a really cute pyjama set. I've just unpacked it and have found that the stupid effing bar stewards at the Park didn't remove the 'colortag multi' which is designed to explode dye everywhere if we remove it forcibly 
Now, not that I'd want to help spread the word on how to remove devices designed to deter shoplifting, but it's not like I can pop back to the shop and have it removed by the sales staff. Any thoughts??
Cross-posted bloody everywhere.

Now, not that I'd want to help spread the word on how to remove devices designed to deter shoplifting, but it's not like I can pop back to the shop and have it removed by the sales staff. Any thoughts??

Cross-posted bloody everywhere.
4 Replies and 6018 Views in Total.
There are a couple of video's on youtube on how to remove security tags without them going off. Although most of them are American some of tricks used there could very well apply to these devices. Safest option if you know someone in a store, explain it and ask them to do it for you.
Thanks for the youtube tip! Though why would one post a video of smashing open a security tag and show your face while doing it?! Idiot
Anyway, Brett did some research and felt properly informed on how to remove it safely. It involved a lighter, burning plastic (my kitchen stank for over an hour!!) and the removal of ball bearings, but it’s gone now and my jammies have not been stained with blue dye ^_^
My man = hero
(Edited by Yvonne 20/02/2008 10:15)
Thanks for the youtube tip! Though why would one post a video of smashing open a security tag and show your face while doing it?! Idiot

Anyway, Brett did some research and felt properly informed on how to remove it safely. It involved a lighter, burning plastic (my kitchen stank for over an hour!!) and the removal of ball bearings, but it’s gone now and my jammies have not been stained with blue dye ^_^
My man = hero

(Edited by Yvonne 20/02/2008 10:15)