Saw this on the online news, and thought we were long overdue for another of those lovely political threads.
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mad "dont ask me to apologise if i get your back up, youre mistaking me for someone who gives a f*ck" - the dust junkys, nothin' personal
am i wrong for thinking **plink** **plink** **fizz**??
Chambler A computer without Microsoft is like a chocolate cake without mustard.
Too be completely honest there are subjects which better suit a political discussion thread
Let's hope this doesn't destabilize the area even more though. Nobody wants another war in Europe's backyard again. Not particularly good for the economy, although I guess every bullet / rocket / missile / grenade etc needs to be replaced and you have to got to do something with all that ammo that is coming close to it's "use by" date.
And don't forget that in a couple of years it might once more make nice referencing material for TV series as the original war is Yugoslavia has done for shows as "the border" etc.
Sounds more like a political bun-fight with the EU than a declaration of war. It'll probably die down if the EU offers a suitable bri ... erm, incentive to Serbia.