*random insult* You are a tard
*end random insult*
On subject, I'll probably be there wherever. Bring it on

On subject, I'll probably be there wherever. Bring it on

I had an idea of going for Early Sept but if there are loads of peeps going to your Shindig then they may not want to do it (and then some) a fortnight later. Hmmm, I'll have a ponder. I need to get upto London over the next couple of weeks at the latest to check out venues....
by Teresa
Tail end of summer? Late August/ Early Sept?
I'm pretty much free whenever except for the weekend of Aug 16th when I'm having a party and quite a few people from here are coming. Obviously, I won't be partying quite as hard as I usually do
Me too, but not the 27th cuz I'll be in Vegas, baby!!
by Teresa
I vote for any of the dates DM mentioned
You actually got any ideas for a venue? If not, just an idea but what about 'The London Stone'? Thats if they do still hire the place out on Saturdays.
by Ethan
Ok, so from the looks of it, the 13th September looks like the winner in terms of date. I just need to find a venue now! lol