I'm an insomniac, and one thing I tend to do to pass the time in the wee small hours is see what networks like CBS and ABC're screening in those late night bulletins of theirs - you know, the ones that our rolling news channels tend to use as pre-recorded filler.
And for the entirety of this week... WE BRITISH EXIST OUTSIDE HISTORY BOOKS! There is life off the US coast! Suddenly, everyone's reporting from London, everyone's asking the British for their opinion on the G20 issues, and the Jacqui Smith story was even reported on ABC.
Although I'll watch The Daily Show when it's on and I'm at a loose end, I'm not normally a big fan - for all the commentary's generally sharp and insightful, the sense of humour can be a bit too blunt and lowest common denominator for my tastes.
But (cultural stereotyping notwithstanding ) the last two minutes of this had me physically laughing at points.
Suddenly, it all made so much sense!
(Edited by Samanfur 04/04/2009 18:34)
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Chambler A computer without Microsoft is like a chocolate cake without mustard.
Very funny indeed Do watch it occasionally myself but that's generally only when people indicate that a particular one has been really good as I so cannot sit through an entire show of that guy!