Hear ye, hear ye, T21 at the hustings (election thread)
If old England is still about, I met it today at the polling station. A flaking cricket pavilion, no "security" in sight, just a bored yet pleasant counsel official ticking names off a list.
So how did people vote? Despite an aversion to Cleggmania, the EU, and proportional representation, I voted for the Lib Dems nationally, and the Greens locally, in order to weigh-in against the BNP.
Exit poll suggests a hung parliament, but it doesn't count postal votes, so things are up in their air. I bet Clegg, Brown and Cameron are experiencing interesting times tonight!
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Alan Got a message from the Great Lakes Avengers, They offered me a membership but didn't accept... they're a walking disaster... Just don't make sense at all... the worst heroes of all time, To call thems
Just been looking at the news pages, and I can see this getting very messy indeed. I'll be over here in the bomb shelters if nobody minds.
Now a hung parliament is a racing cert, what'd you think'll happen with coalitions? Both Tories and Labour need to get the Lib Dems on side: despite the poor showing from Clegg's lot, this could be their best result ever. Brown can stay plonked in Downing Street for another week or so while he thrashes it out. If Labour can get Clegg on side, we could end up with a monster Lib-Lab-SNP-PC coalition, if the public stands for it.
One thing's for sure: we'll be getting another visit to the polls very soon. Given the number of people turned away this time around, that's no bad thing.