I have heard this a few weeks before April fools, so more likely to be true
Thanks for the warning Peg
Thanks for the warning Peg
by Milky
Moral of the story..Mobile Phone Viruses like The Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and Honest Lawyers just DONT EXIST!!
Well that sounds like a bug to me
by Desire
After a week I got a shiny new phone, and the put the problem down to some kind of dodgey text message. I never questioned it, but maybe it was just a coincidence?
Well there are ways to make a Nokia Phone crash and one of them is with a really especial message. Its a bug in the software and therefor its Nokia's problem. Everyone that has a datacable for his / her phone can btw update their phones to a newer software version without the problem. Only this is for some reason seen as illegal in some countries. Don't know if tempering with your phone is in the UK.
by Desire
After a week I got a shiny new phone, and the put the problem down to some kind of dodgey text message. I never questioned it, but maybe it was just a coincidence?