Just ordered my copy
'Firefly' DVD going for £18
For fans of Joss Whedon's short but very sweet space western Firefly who have been holding out from paying the DVD set's steep £35 pricetag, head over to Play.com, where Firefly is going for 18 quid.
Non-fans give it a look as well, great series!
(Edited by Staff 14/01/2005 09:32)
Non-fans give it a look as well, great series!
(Edited by Staff 14/01/2005 09:32)
7 Replies and 10263 Views in Total.
I've only seen a couple of episodes, but it seemed quite good.
Bloody fine series. Joss does a Buffy again by taking a really hokey concept, "space Western", and making it work. It works because the new frontier aspect of American sci-fi has always had a strong western undertone (Gene Rodenbery's famous "wagontrain to the stars) so when Firefly makes it overt, it just clicks.
It also has snappy dialogue and things get blown to bits real good.
The DVDs are very nice, and in a proper plastic case instead of cardboard. Good to see the show in its intended widescreen format, amusing sailor-talk gag video, and some good commentaries.
(Edited by Byron 11/12/2004 22:31)
It also has snappy dialogue and things get blown to bits real good.
The DVDs are very nice, and in a proper plastic case instead of cardboard. Good to see the show in its intended widescreen format, amusing sailor-talk gag video, and some good commentaries.
(Edited by Byron 11/12/2004 22:31)