Anyone got any opinions on them? Cos iv been offered ticket + backstage pass, and im not sure whether to go or not cos iv not heards anything but theyr ska so.....
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Sydney You can lead the whore to culture but you can't make her think!
if its who i think it is... then aren't they more of a novelty/comedy band than proper ska?
I know that 'lip up fattie' is pretty crap
Jayjay"I may be scattered / A little shattered / What does it matter / No one has a fit like I do / I'm the only one that fits you"
Heresy!!! Lip Up Fattie was a classic. And calling them a comedy act would be to do them a diservice, just as Madness are frequently dismissed in a similar manner for having a sense of humour. Both made great Two-Tone records. Though I'm not saying Bad Manners are on a par with the Nutty Boys.
Anyway, personally, had I nothing better to do, I'd go. should be a laugh.
Miss Corrupt That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball!
They came round to my local venue a few weeks ago, and I didn't go but I heard they were good. But then all the people went are biased, coz they're Bad Manners fans
theamericanjesus once again, like a bullet as a friend, tell me: can that be all there is?
thanks for the opinions, but i ended up not going as i was getting screwed around about the ticket. suffice to say i went to an album launch and had a great time