I've got the album and it's not bad. She really wants to distance herself from Jessica 'Bubble-head' Simpson though
Ashlee Simpson
what does everyone think of her? I think shes got a really nice voice, think shes getting too hyped up for being Jessica simpsons sister though, which really isn't much to be proud of :S xx
7 Replies and 3701 Views in Total.
Jessica Simpson is the funniest thing I've seen on TV for ages. It's so obvious that she's sending herself up.
by Milky
She really wants to distance herself from Jessica 'Bubble-head' Simpson though
I think you give her too much credit
by Teresa
Jessica Simpson is the funniest thing I've seen on TV for ages. It's so obvious that she's sending herself up.
Apparently she got the right hump when she was busted lip syncing on live US television the other night. Jude Law's reply was 'That's live TV folks' hehe
So funny, she did a little leprechaun (sp?) dance then ran off! lol! x
(Edited by Eve 28/10/2004 17:51)
(Edited by Eve 28/10/2004 17:51)