sounds dire if you ask me
especially justin hawkins, arrrgh get rid! need some seriously better artists than those three to make it credible
sorry im in a ranty mood today..

sorry im in a ranty mood today..
Hand's over the flameproof suit
by Spitefulangel
sounds dire if you ask meespecially justin hawkins, arrrgh get rid! need some seriously better artists than those three to make it credible
sorry im in a ranty mood today..
Actually it was the only thing that made me smile. I just didn't feel the passion in the song in the same way as the original. This one just seems to be very flat.
by Spitefulangel
its not quite as bad as i anticipated....justin hawkins still needs a good kick though, i think his presence is a bit of a joke, when i saw the preview, there he was thrusting his crotch at the camera and playing his guitar whilst singing a song about famine....
I volunteer to do it! He makes me want to break his face! I don't think this new versions half as good as the original! the bit were they all sing together sounds like they just couldn't be bothered. x
by lizzieslayer
Dizzie Rascal should be put out of his misery
I had a feeling it was. Me being a Brosette and all that - hee hee
by PictureOfFlowers
(Note to Teresa: After some Googling, it seems that it was Matt Goss who sang that line on Band Aid 2)
I think you may have hit the nail on the head.
by Miss Corrupt
Heard it for the first time last night, I think many people don't like it as much because it doesn't have that Christmassy feel to it which the first version does.