Alas, no cash.
Having bills to pay SUCKS!!!!!
Having bills to pay SUCKS!!!!!

by DJ Billy
Well tickets were difficult to come by, but I've got tickets for an ever so slightly different act now anyway so I don't mind
I frickin' wish (tickets are on sale now if anyone fancies treating me
by PictureOfFlowers
You're not going to see McFly surely...?!
I know I said no to this before, but I'm tempted to have a look when they go and sale, and if I can get really good seats I'll book them. Only if they're *really* good though. You still in?
by Teresa
Tickets for extra dates go on sale 9am Monday. If ya wanna go see, get two tickets and I'll join ya (don't have the cash to buy my own ticket 'til next week)
Well, let me think................ OK THEN!!
by Teresa
Only if you promise to be gay with me and wear pink fluffy stuff
That was the idea. Alex said he's get tickets but ONLY if they were good seats. He sent me a text this morning with lots of swear words in it saying how his work was getting in the way of him ordering tickets, lol. Haven't heard back from him so I assume we're not going. You're gonna have to be gay and fluffy with me instead
by DJ Billy
You're going Twice??!!
I won't shave, but that's about as far as I'll go
by Teresa
You're gonna have to be gay and fluffy with me instead
lol! Go on, be gay for the day, you know you wanna! How can you disappoint the girl like that!
by DJ Billy
I won't shave, but that's about as far as I'll go