Never heard of them. Is this a geek thing?

New American band, Gods of the Radio, featuring Steven Sellers (ex Ghost of the Robot) and Ashley Winters, are coming to the UK to play some acoustic dates, and you can catch them at the following places:
17 June:
Bar Academy, Islington, London UK. Club Hedonistc.7-11 PM. Gods of the Radio will be on first. Free Entry. See for details.
18 June:
The Chapel Bar, Islington, London UK - All day event with 10 bands. Visit for more details and a link to ticket sales.
22 June:
The Lamp, Norfolk Street, Hull, UK. 8 PM
24 June:
Leftfield Stage at the 'Glastonbury Festival', UK. Time to be announced. Possibly on Saturday (25th) as well.
More dates to follow.
4 of the tracks from their debut album, 'Narrowcasting' can be found on their website: