KANE CD recorded at the White Room
As in Christian Kane's (aka Lyndsey from Angel for the non-convention readers
) band
Taken from the Starfury egroup

Taken from the Starfury egroup
As many of you may have heard, at STARFURY: QUOR'TOTH, the manager of the group KANE popped by and brought a few CD's with him.
Remember that accoustic performance that Chris and Steve did at THE WHITE ROOM last October? Well, the performance was recorded, and just for fun Chris and Steve cleaned the recording up. But when they were finished, it was so good that they wanted you guys to have a chance to enjoy it!
They've published it as a very limited edition CD, and it sounds great!
They went like hot cakes at THE WHITE ROOM, but I still have a few copies left. So if all you KANE fans want something to keep you going until NFA next May, here it is!
They are priced at £15 each, plus £1 p&p. Make your cheques payable to TOMCAT PRODUCTIONS and send to:- Kane CD, 148a Queensway, Bayswater, London W2 6LY.
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