Doctor Who is the best thing on the TV this Christmas!! Apart from that, nothing is interesting me.
The_Host The concept of 'All-You-Can-Eat' buffets has always appealed to me.
I thought 'Doctor Who' was pretty good, espacially the thing (or things) with the TARDIS. I only watched it on Wednesday, after underestimating the amount of time left on the videotape, but fortunately BBC3 didn't break up enough to sour the viewing experience.
Don't really remember the scavenger bots from the last Xmas special, but I remember a whirling Christmas tree. The bauble bombs were a bit of a twist. Will it be razor-winged Xmas Fairies next?
The one thing this special did illustrate is the oddity of a 'man' who's hundreds of years old, but until Rose Tyler turned up, never had a mobile phone in the TARDIS. It would have been handy for him to aquire one of his own then, so she could text the occasional 'HELP ME, DOCTOR!' But he still has to borrow one to find out about Torchwood's involvement. 'Buffy TVS'had a similar aversion to the new technology. I guess we can divide shows into two categories: 'With mobile' and 'Without mobile'. 'Robin Hood' will probably manage to squeeze one in at some point...
(Edited by The_Host 29/12/2006 14:11)
mad "dont ask me to apologise if i get your back up, youre mistaking me for someone who gives a f*ck" - the dust junkys, nothin' personal
just watched this, and ended up feeling pretty disapointed.
quite how much of that is down to the fact that i cant stand catherine tate and sarah parrish remains to be seen, but im left hoping that they dont bother with a christmas spoecial next year - hell, how many times can they pull "massive spaceship hanging in the air over london on christmas eve, killer robo-sants, the military shoots down the spaceship" out of the hat??
best line was "this time its personnel", worst line was anytime the 2 women opened their gobs, and best acting went to the kids in the back of the car.
bah humbug!!
If they do one next year, it NEEDS to be a Dickensian Christmasy one.
The_Host The concept of 'All-You-Can-Eat' buffets has always appealed to me.
"I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future!"...
lizzieslayer Look for the girl with the broken smile.
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
I thought Ruby in the Smoke was good, but not amazing. Still haven't watched Dracula yet.
Chambler A computer without Microsoft is like a chocolate cake without mustard.
Only watched the Dr Who and the Hogfather...... loved the last one Finally a commercial channel that makes some quality family entertainment Dr Who was a bit of a disappointment but as Torchwood over the last couple of months had numbed my senses a bit on first reflection I thought it was a pretty decent ep.