Brian Blessed
Fantasy 11th Doctor Casting?
OK, events of this week's Doctor Who notwithstanding, imagine you've been given the choice of who plays the next Doctor.
Nationality, age, gender or even pay packet are no object - in the words of Dr. Cox, just go nuts!
Nationality, age, gender or even pay packet are no object - in the words of Dr. Cox, just go nuts!

8 Replies and 13030 Views in Total.

this was a topic of conversation at work recently - some people i suggested include robbie coltrane, steven fry, robert carlyle, james nesbit, and dominic monaghan.
knowing my luck, theyll bring in someone who had a walk-on part in eastenders, or something.
having said that, ive been reading some stuff that suggests that RTD has hinted hes going to reboot the whoverse, putting it back to the same state it was in when he took over - in which case, 9 & 10 could well be part of an abherrent time-line - similar to what happened in Turn Left last week.
knowing my luck, theyll bring in someone who had a walk-on part in eastenders, or something.
having said that, ive been reading some stuff that suggests that RTD has hinted hes going to reboot the whoverse, putting it back to the same state it was in when he took over - in which case, 9 & 10 could well be part of an abherrent time-line - similar to what happened in Turn Left last week.
That'd be really silly if that did happen, what about the spin offs? Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures?
by mad
ive been reading some stuff that suggests that RTD has hinted hes going to reboot the whoverse, putting it back to the same state it was in when he took over - in which case, 9 & 10 could well be part of an abherrent time-line - similar to what happened in Turn Left last week.
Also surely when the Doctor regenerates, he'd be Christopher Eccleston and then David Tennant again. So it'd be very silly if the 9th and 10th doctors were then completely different.
Also, although just a rumour, Eddie Izard has apparently been tipped for the role of the next Doctor, which to be honest I think could be a very good choice.
(Edited by SPIKE 01/07/2008 00:52)

not quite anything to do with casting, but 2 things ive found...
1: even the wall street journal is getting in on the speculation over the 2-part finale!
2: donna noble keeps informing people that she is "a temp" - one fan has gone to some linguistic lengths to suggest that, if "donna" is italian for "lady", and a noble would be a lord, and temp(us) means time - could donna be a lady timelord (or timelady, as they are often refered to).
alternatively, with richard dawkins being on last saturdays show - could his wife, lalla ward, be making an appearance on the show?
1: even the wall street journal is getting in on the speculation over the 2-part finale!
2: donna noble keeps informing people that she is "a temp" - one fan has gone to some linguistic lengths to suggest that, if "donna" is italian for "lady", and a noble would be a lord, and temp(us) means time - could donna be a lady timelord (or timelady, as they are often refered to).
alternatively, with richard dawkins being on last saturdays show - could his wife, lalla ward, be making an appearance on the show?
Robert Carlyle is the current buzz, and hes as good as anyone I can think of. However I get the feeling hes more of a tempremental Eccleston type than a Who-loving nice guy like Tennant, and I really cant see him doing it for a number of years.
Theres definitely something up, and me may well get some stunt casting to carry us through to season 5 in 2010.
A young David Warner would have been my choice, but lacking a time machine, hmm....
Theres definitely something up, and me may well get some stunt casting to carry us through to season 5 in 2010.
A young David Warner would have been my choice, but lacking a time machine, hmm....
I dont understand why Tennant is leaving. The stuff he says indicates he's a fan and loves the part, thus could stay there for a decade like say Tom Baker did.
Thats the thing, I dont think he he is leaving.
I think they are doing something tricky to enable his doctor to a) have a break or b) be around after the new doctor is introduced.
My guess is the 'hand' will regrow into a new Tennant Doctor, the real doctor will appear to die, but later resurrect (buffy style) as a new actor.
The Tennant Doctor can go off to the parallel universe with Rose (if shes still alive) and that allows for guest appearances Two-Doctor style, a movie with Tennant wouldnt have to be written as a 'missing adventure', and comfortably covers the future we know Tennants Doc had with River, even tho the 'real' Doctor will probably regenerate too soon to allow for that.
I think they are doing something tricky to enable his doctor to a) have a break or b) be around after the new doctor is introduced.
My guess is the 'hand' will regrow into a new Tennant Doctor, the real doctor will appear to die, but later resurrect (buffy style) as a new actor.
The Tennant Doctor can go off to the parallel universe with Rose (if shes still alive) and that allows for guest appearances Two-Doctor style, a movie with Tennant wouldnt have to be written as a 'missing adventure', and comfortably covers the future we know Tennants Doc had with River, even tho the 'real' Doctor will probably regenerate too soon to allow for that.