'Slayor'??? URGH!
That Buffy Cartoon
Finally years after the project failed to take off, footage from the Buffy cartoon has leaked out.
Personally its both great to hear some more signature Joss lines, read by (some) of the original actors, and weird to see time rewound to S1.
You can check it out here:
Personally its both great to hear some more signature Joss lines, read by (some) of the original actors, and weird to see time rewound to S1.
You can check it out here:
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Cue Fox staking it in three... two... one...
Well if you would have put "buffy the vampire slayer" on youtube the google alert would have directly pointed Fox towards it 
Is it me or does it look very similar in style as that batman cartoon they did a while back?

Is it me or does it look very similar in style as that batman cartoon they did a while back?
I think the darker "batman animated" style works more for it.
Very woried about the voice actors, I am sure they could have got better ones, only willow sounds good.
Very woried about the voice actors, I am sure they could have got better ones, only willow sounds good.
Interesting comment, considering that only Buffy wasn't being played by her original actor. 
So... Did anyone else catch the shameless requiem for this in the Season Eight comic's issue 20?
It seemed like pure vanity on behalf of the writer (who was responsible for both narratives) to me - and even then, I had to explain it to even known Buffy fans who had no idea about the animated series, and wondered why this random thing had popped up in the middle of their story.
(Edited by Samanfur 09/03/2009 20:24)

So... Did anyone else catch the shameless requiem for this in the Season Eight comic's issue 20?
It seemed like pure vanity on behalf of the writer (who was responsible for both narratives) to me - and even then, I had to explain it to even known Buffy fans who had no idea about the animated series, and wondered why this random thing had popped up in the middle of their story.
(Edited by Samanfur 09/03/2009 20:24)
To be honest, I've been disappointed with it. Certain characters seem very off-model - Willow especially, although anyone who's read the series will know what I mean when I say that Buffy herself seems to've become an outlet for a couple of writers' fantasies.
The narrative so far painfully foregrounds the fact that the eponymous heroine is, for me, a character that I've always found it very difficult to care about. It doesn't help when I'm waiting for what normally happens in a TV season - for one of her companions to get her by the scruff of the neck and point out that she's being a complete selfish [censored] - but since they don't seem to be written quite right, either, it's not happening.
The basis of the original series was an allegory on how hard it can be feeling alone and having to overcome challenges of growing up and being a teenager. Now, not only is Buffy allegedly a grown-up rather than an emotionally-stunted sixteen year old, but the constant bitching and whining and people making excuses about how nobody can understand because she's the only one of her kind just doesn't work any more. It can't when she's surrounded by hundreds of people in the exact same position, and especially when vampires are now not exactly secret and... well... read the last couple of issues.
Couple that with things like nods to the tiny trailer for an animated series that hardly anyone knows about and a crossover with Joss Whedon's other Slayerverse series, and there's a stink of vanity project and staleness that's starting to get a bit ripe.
I'm still following it to see where it's going, but if I didn't know better, I'd say that someone was trying to curdle the fandom's good feeling, stake the continuity once and for all and let Joss move on - for all you can get away with a little more in print than on TV, it really just doesn't feel right.
(Edited by Samanfur 19/04/2009 22:13)
The narrative so far painfully foregrounds the fact that the eponymous heroine is, for me, a character that I've always found it very difficult to care about. It doesn't help when I'm waiting for what normally happens in a TV season - for one of her companions to get her by the scruff of the neck and point out that she's being a complete selfish [censored] - but since they don't seem to be written quite right, either, it's not happening.
The basis of the original series was an allegory on how hard it can be feeling alone and having to overcome challenges of growing up and being a teenager. Now, not only is Buffy allegedly a grown-up rather than an emotionally-stunted sixteen year old, but the constant bitching and whining and people making excuses about how nobody can understand because she's the only one of her kind just doesn't work any more. It can't when she's surrounded by hundreds of people in the exact same position, and especially when vampires are now not exactly secret and... well... read the last couple of issues.
Couple that with things like nods to the tiny trailer for an animated series that hardly anyone knows about and a crossover with Joss Whedon's other Slayerverse series, and there's a stink of vanity project and staleness that's starting to get a bit ripe.
I'm still following it to see where it's going, but if I didn't know better, I'd say that someone was trying to curdle the fandom's good feeling, stake the continuity once and for all and let Joss move on - for all you can get away with a little more in print than on TV, it really just doesn't feel right.
(Edited by Samanfur 19/04/2009 22:13)
by Samanfur
Certain characters seem very off-model - Willow especially
Willow has been wrong for ages. The script writers had her in season seven asking what a glottal stop was. I thought she was supposed to be smart?
I've tried to blank out season seven (as much as it would've deprived us of Once More With Feeling and Tabula Rasa, I'm one of those people who'd have liked to've seen things wind up with season five). I'd forgotten about that.
by Tycho
Willow has been wrong for ages. The script writers had her in season seven asking what a glottal stop was. I thought she was supposed to be smart?
(Edited by Samanfur 19/04/2009 22:15)
At least since she became a dark magic junkie. Probably since the end of season four, although it's a while since I watched any of the episodes.
by Tycho
Willow has been wrong for ages.
Flipped through the season eight comic in Forbidden Planet. (Including the issue with Buffy's mildly-infamous tryst.) Read like badfic. How the same writer produces this and Serenity I don't know.
Talking of bad Willow, this fanfic site does it much better than the series. A Perfectly Willowy Revenge is a bit of wicked fun, and so is The Trial of Willow Rosenberg.
by Byron:
Flipped through the season eight comic in Forbidden Planet. (Including the issue with Buffy's mildly-infamous tryst.) Read like badfic. How the same writer produces this and Serenity I don't know.
It was vaguely heatrtening to see some of the reactions to said tryst printed in the letters page of the latest issue, and for the editors to've at least included a few pointing out that this is completely at odds with anything we know about Buffy's character (including things that she's said herself), and suggesting that the writers go back to watching a few of the earlier TV episodes until they can remember how to write their own creations.
Don't get me wrong - I have no issue with it from any kind of moral or religious angle. But when it has no apparent connection to anything we know about the character and feels less like some sort of allegory of female liberation (although I've found that reasoning a little dodgy for a long time when it comes to BtVS) and more like somebody's cheap titilation badfic, I reserve the right to despair of some writers' opinions of the target demographic.
And we're getting Satsu and Kennedy (even in the TV series, Willow's rent-a-screw arm candy who has no other form of character to speak of) teaming up in the next issue, too. Anybody want to place bets on where that's going to go?

(Edited by Samanfur 12/05/2009 16:37)
Ditto. Ironically, Buffy and Satsu's titillation-o-gram was insulting to gay people; just like Willow and Kennedy's engineered relationship.
by Samanfur
Don't get me wrong - I have no issue with it from any kind of moral or religious angle.

I applaud the sensitive depiction, and trust we'll be seeing the male cast members follow in the near future.
I heard a lot of bad reaction from LGBT groups, too - particularly considering that the handling of Willow and Tara (a couple of characters in love who just happened to be lesbians) had actually involved character development and been comparatively sensitive.
Whedon seems to be very successfully alienating the very minority groups he alleged to be pitching to back in the day.
I less than eagerly await the rebalancing by Xander's random rebound decision to take the whole "manservant" thing to the next level, too.
Whedon seems to be very successfully alienating the very minority groups he alleged to be pitching to back in the day.
I less than eagerly await the rebalancing by Xander's random rebound decision to take the whole "manservant" thing to the next level, too.
I fear many were lost when poor old Tara met her physics-defying plot device, but any hopes Mr Whedon has of winning them back must be disappearing. If he decides to introduce Xander's little Xander to the comics, he'll chase everyone else off as well. Suppose it'd be a victory for equality!
by Samanfur
Whedon seems to be very successfully alienating the very minority groups he alleged to be pitching to back in the day.
As I said: all things are comparative.
by Byron
I fear many were lost when poor old Tara met her physics-defying plot device,
but any hopes Mr Whedon has of winning them back must be disappearing. If he decides to introduce Xander's little Xander to the comics, he'll chase everyone else off as well. Suppose it'd be a victory for equality!

At least he'd well and truly cement his reputation amongst any slash writers (most of whom seem to be female from what I can gather) who haven't already been put off by the fact that their gender got the treatment first.
Although given that he allegedly has more fanbase in the allegedly less slash-based UK fandom (or so I'm told by people who run with the Whedon fanbase), that's debatable.
(Edited by Samanfur 18/05/2009 10:27)